Brandon Garden Club, Inc. was awarded “Garden Club of the Year” by The Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc., and Deep South Garden Clubs, Inc.
Brandon Garden Club, Inc. was organized by Mrs. Gilbreath Neil in 1952 and federated with The Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc. in 1953. Brandon Garden Club, Inc. is a member of National Garden Clubs, Inc., Deep South Garden Clubs, Inc., The Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc., and the Natchez Trace District.
Club Flower: Rose
Active Membership: 45
Servers at the 2023 Tablescapes Luncheon Fundraiser included more than 60 friends, family, and elected officials.
Tablescapes Luncheon Fundraiser
February 28, 2025
Tickets: $45 each
For tickets, email thebrandongardenclub@gmail.com
Started in 2008, the annual Tablescapes Luncheon is Brandon Garden Club’s only fundraiser. The proceeds support projects that include historic preservation and beautification projects with the City of Brandon, maintaining the planters on the courthouse square, and providing scholarships at Hinds Community College and Mississippi State University. The success of recent fundraisers enabled BGC to donate and maintain plants for the lobby at Brandon Municipal Complex, donate a Blue Star Memorial Marker in downtown Brandon, and create a Memorial Pathway with granite markers for memorial trees in Old Brandon Cemetery.
Tablescapes Luncheon Fundraiser Co-Chairman Charla Jordan said that previous guests have showered BGC members with compliments about the 48 unique tablescapes designed by club members, the delicious luncheon, and the fashion show. The men who served the lunch seemed to be having just as much fun as the ladies that attended.
Artwork created by Charla Jordan, member of Brandon Garden Club.
Brandon Garden Club’s theme for 2023-2025:
Brandon Garden Club, Inc.
“Growing Flowers and Friendships”
The theme of The Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc. for 2023-2025:
“Growing in Our Communities”
On May 21, 2015, Brandon Garden Club announced the establishment of a Landscape Management Scholarship at Hinds Community College in honor of Janet McLaurin, charter member and long-time dedicated member of Brandon Garden Club. We were saddened by the passing of Mrs. McLaurin in June 2017. The scholarship in her memory is now awarded to a student at Mississippi State University.
Pictured (l to r): Carol Gallagher, Scholarship Chairman; Janet McLaurin; and Charla Jordan, President 2013-2015.
On August 15, Brandon Garden Club, Inc. presented Brandon Mayor Butch Lee and the Board of Aldermen a framed original watercolor of Brandon Amphitheater painted by Marion McKee. The watercolor image was used for the State Convention of The Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc. hosted by Brandon Garden Club. Pictured (l to r): Front row: Georgie Craig, Jane Huddleston, Sheila Everett, Delena Hamel, Mayor Butch Lee, Marion McKee, Dixie Vance, and Charla Jordan.
President Debbie Edwards, 1st Vice President Ann Wentz, 2nd Vice President Sheila Everett, Recording Secretary Glenna Morgan, Corresponding Secretary Jane Huddleston, Treasurer Bobbye Strickland, Ex-Officio Dixie Vance, Historian Marion McKee, Parliamentarian Nancy Magee, Civic Development Chair Delena Hamel, and Public Relations Chair Charla Jordan.
Brandon Garden Club Executive Board, 2023-2025 L-R, seated: Jane Huddleston, Ann Wentz, Debbie Edwards, Sheila Everett, and Bobbye Strickland. Standing: Charla Jordan, Delena Hamel, Dixie Vance, Nancy Magee, Glenna Morgan, and Marion McKee.
BGC Project Chairs
Pictured (l to r), seated: Back row: Marion McKee, Yvonne Shotts, Sarah Hooten, Dixie Vance, Shelby Harry, Kay Davis, Charles Pitcox, Staci McNinch, Nancy Magee, Carol Gallagher, Marty Vinson, Tammy McLaurin, Brenda Sumrall Smith, Lori Beth Smith, Georgie Craig, and Rick Fischer. Seated: Charla Jordan, Bobbye Strickland, Ann Wentz, Debbie Edwards, Sheila Everett, Delena Hamel, and Jane Huddleston.